Jawaban: E. Obstinate
Baca juga: 10 Latihan Soal Tes TWK CPNS Bab Sejarah beserta Jawabannya
Professor Baker is a co-worker of Professor Ayers. "Co-worker" means ...
A. Constituent
B. Confident
C. Contender
D. Colleague
E. Conqueror
Jawaban: D. Colleague
As soon as the board of elections "officially declares" the list of candidates, we will give you a complete report. The words inquotation mean...
A. Refuses
B. Deviate
C. Promulgates
D. Instigates
E. Contemplate
Jawaban:C. Promulgates
Baca juga: Latihan Soal Tes TWK CPNS Bab Tata Negara beserta Jawabannya
Here are the twenty one words that Sir William Osier read in the spring of 1871 - twenty-one words from Thomas Carlyle that helped him lead a life free from worry: "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand." The word, "dimly" has a similar meaning to ...
A. Brightly
B. Smartly
C. Faintly
D. Easily
E. Happily
Jawaban: C. Faintly